October 14 - 16, 2025
Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas

2024 Speakers

Amrit Santhirasenan

Amrit Santhirasenan

CEO and Co-Founder, hyperexponential

Amrit is a qualified actuary and computer science graduate with a specialism is pricing – particularly the applications of modern techniques and technology to make practical, impactful pricing systems. He has worked for 12 years in the Lloyd’s and London Markets, including leading Pricing and Analytics at Tokio Marine Kiln, the specialist commercial arm of one of the world’s largest insurance companies.

Starting as hyperexponential's inaugural front-end engineer in 2017, Amrit now leads a team of 150+ across London, New York, Portugal, and Poland.

As CEO and co-founder of hyperexponential, Amrit has led the creation of hx Renew. and most recently secured a $73m Series B backed by Battery Ventures, Andreessen Horowitz, and Highland Europe.

hx Renew is the world’s first pricing decision intelligence platform. Reimaginging the flow from data to decision, creating a feedback loop that continuously strengthens the data assets, insights, and decisions of insurers and ultimately their bottom line. hyperexponential help insurers to make better pricing decisions by:

  • Enabling rapid building, deployment, and refinement of rating tools
  • Making it easy to bring in all relevant data at the point of underwriting
  • Capturing rating data and surfacing it up for analysis to support strategic decisions

Some of the most established insurance brands write over $45bn of premium annually in hx Renew including Aviva, Conduit Re, Aegis.
