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2024 Agenda

ITC Vegas


The Invisible Network Powering Distribution

October 16, 2024
Mandalay Bay Ballroom H
Innovation in Action Track

Today, more than ever, P&C carriers and the distribution channel partners that work with them make up vast networks of interconnectivity across personal, commercial, and surplus lines. The most successful P&C players often have the most connections in their network, whether that's an agency with more carrier and MGA connections, a carrier with more individual producer connections, or otherwise. Today's P&C market is full of uniquely modern challenges. From rising premiums and carriers exiting specific markets to increased insurance fraud and social inflation driving up claims costs, those with access to the most products across the most distribution partners have a competitive advantage. In this session, AgentSync CEO Niji Sabharwal and Hippo CEO Rick McCathron will discuss how to leverage existing distribution networks as a strategic advantage, how insurance agencies and carriers can use technology to expand their distribution networks, and why legacy companies who don't modernize their slow, manual, and costly processes risk being left behind. 

Rick McCathron, CEO - Hippo
Niji Sabharwal, CEO - AgentSync
Session Moderator
Elizabeth Blosfield
Elizabeth Blosfield, Deputy Editor - Carrier Management