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2024 Agenda

ITC Vegas


F – AI – lure is Always an Option (A Spectacular and Calamitous Insurance Journey) Presented by SAS

October 16, 2024
Mandalay Bay Ballroom J
Data and Analytics Track

We’re experiencing AI Overload. There’s too much “AI noise” out there. It’s causing confusion and taking away from the real value we can achieve through “AI Exascale.”   

In this session we’ll cover: 

  1. What AI is good at (and what it’s not) and the “Meatloaf Approach” 
  2. We’ll put the “F” in AI failures and why that’s okay
  3. Most importantly, we’ll systematically review how we can prepare our organizations and teams for “AI – Readiness” HINT: it’s all about your people and your data.

After this conversation you’ll be ready to get the most out of your Data and Analytics and AI investments, achieve deeper engagement from your employees, and map a path to meet and exceed your goals now and in the days to come.  

Franklin Manchester, Global Insurance Strategic Advisor - SAS
Dennis Vanderlip, Director of Industry Solutions – Worldwide Insurance - Microsoft