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2024 Agenda

ITC Vegas


Seizing Growth and Market Opportunities with Business Transformation and Innovation Presented by Majesco

October 17, 2024
Mandalay Bay Ballroom H
Innovation in Action Track

Legacy business models and technology negatively impact operational efficiencies, expense ratios, profitability, talent, and data access, making agile transformation and innovation a present-day necessity for staying competitive. To succeed in this market shift, insurers must rethink their business and technology together, moving from a mindset of “this is how insurance is done,” to adopting next-gen cloud intelligent core platforms that drive growth, lower expense ratios, and optimize operations. Hear from a panel of insurance executives who have achieved remarkable business results and growth through transformation path or leveraging new business model with next-gen intelligent core technology to accelerate speed to market, innovation, and operational optimization. 

Bryan Ballatore, Chief Revenue Officer - OpenRoad
Chris Schlehuber, COO - OpenRoad
Session Moderator
Denise Garth
Denise Garth, Chief Strategy Officer - Majesco