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2024 Agenda

ITC Vegas


Lunch Workshop: Managed Modernization: Solving the Most Complex Problems Beyond Technology Presented by KPMG

October 16, 2024
Oceanside B
Lunch Workshop

More than 70% of modernization programs fail to deliver their promised value. Emerging technologies are adding fuel to the fire by complicating the tech and operations landscape. Because of this, even with a strong vision and strategy in place, organizations are struggling to bring it all together. 

Managed Modernization takes a radically different approach to solving this multi-dimensional challenge by connecting the dots across business, operations, technology and finance while artfully balancing the merge of new and legacy operations. This session aims to challenge conventional transformation models, advocating for a more comprehensive approach that ensures long-term success and operational efficiency in the insurance sector.

Alon Ketzef, CEO & Founder - Passportcard
Brian Harris, Vice President, Transformation and New Business Ventures - USAA
Jeanne Johnson, Partner - KPMG
Raj Konduru, Partner - KPMG
Matt McCorry, Partner - KPMG