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2024 Agenda

ITC Vegas


Data Foundations for End-to-End Fraud Detection Presented by Carpe Data

October 16, 2024
Mandalay Bay Ballroom J
Data and Analytics Track

Fraud cost US insurers more than $300 Billion in 2023 and that number is only getting bigger, yet investigators continue to rely on instinct-based referrals, resulting in a review less than 5% of total claims. To eliminate fraud everywhere, you must search for it everywhere. In this session attendees will: 

  • See how fraudsters frequently evade traditional detection techniques
  • Learn why a holistic approach to fraud detection built on modern data sources isn't just viable, it's critical
  • Gain practical strategies to get their team on board with new data sources and technology
  • Look at case studies and see the results of holistic fraud detection in action 
Tom Rasmussen, VP of Product- Claims - Carpe Data