October 14 - 16, 2025
Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas

2023 Playback Breakout Sessions

Ask Me Anything: Enhancing Agility while Improving the Customer Experience: Low-Code Empowers AmTrust's IT Evolution Presented by OutSystems

AmTrust Financial Services (or AmTrust Financial Group) utilized OutSystems' low-code platform to boost IT responsiveness and innovation. In a rapidly evolving insurance landscape, AmTrust sought agility while ensuring compliance. Within 15 months, it developed six critical applications spanning claims, policy management, and underwriting. One critical use case addressed was to modernize front-ends that require rapid changes: AmTrust's IT team is constantly receiving requests from business partners to improve the experience of their applications. To respond to these requests with agility, instead of redesigning the entire application, AmTrust uses OutSystems to modernize the end-user and front-end layer while keeping the custom back-end unchanged and stable. Join us for our Customer Ask Me Anything session to learn how AmTrust plans to expand OutSystems' impact across segments and globally.


Casey Hearn, Director of IT, AmTrust Group 

Sean Mee, SVP, Solution Architecture, OutSystems 
