October 14 - 16, 2025
Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas

2023 - Kick-Off Summit Playback

Unlocking Our Potential: The Power of Diverse Thinking in Group Insurance

People are at the heart of group insurance, whether it's the employees working in insurance or the people we serve in times of great need. Therein lies the question: Does the current insurance workforce reflect the community we strive to serve in order to capture the benefits of diverse thinking, values, and mode of consumption ' and more. Our opportunity today lies in the capacity to seek, nurture and harness new ways of thinking. To achieve this, companies must actively embrace a workforce that places emphasis on diversity, work/life balance, and alternative mindsets to tap into a wide range of talents and experiences. Only then will successful players find the routes to serving a diverse, digital native and non-traditional employee. Key Takeaways: ' How future workers in the insurance industry reflect the customers they care for and serve' Best practices for building tomorrow's insurance workforce today' How the changing workforce is altering the way the group benefits ecosystem does business.


Andy Gibson, SVP Claims, Workplace Solutions, Mutual of Omaha

Joanne McMullen, Chief People Officer, FINEOS

John Wilson, Academic Director, MS FinTech, University of Connecticut

Kaitlyn Speaker, Associate Director of National Recruitment, University of Connecticut
