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ITC Vegas

Shawn Michael Walker

Shawn Michael Walker

Senior Vice President, Premier Group Insurance

Shawn Michael Walker has over 24 years managing company resources on both the AGENCY and CARRIER side of the Independent Agency equation. 12 years ago he partnered with Premier Group Insurance. Bback then it was a group of 58 agecny owners representing 50,000,000 in WP. Today, the group have over 650 agency owners and will be at $1,000,000,000 in written premium by the end of 2025. As Senior Vice President, He works with our only client: our Agency owners, and our only stakeholder: our Carriers, to maximize growth and earnings. Additionally, Shawn has a playful podcast titled, "Insurance, You Idenmify Me" in which he interviews Agency owners who have made the switch from Captivity to Independence.
